Perfecting Off-Page SEO

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Recently, we discussed what off-page SEO is and how beneficial it can be for your business. We know that having informative content, keywords, and blog posts will help your website rank high on the SERP (search engine result page), therefore, it is also necessary to apply the practice of off-page SEO to help your website ranking high.

Practicing off-page SEO is based on your reputation, authority, and popularity outside your website, like on social media platforms. Keep in mind, the practice of off-page SEO is a long term strategy but the payoff is huge because you are doing more than just increasing followers, you’re building a community that is truly interested in your industry.

Here are simple things to keep in mind when practicing Off-Page SEO:

Focus on your target market

People are actively looking for answers online. Aside from search engines, they go onto social media platforms to find credible reviews and answers provided by friends, family, and communities.

To improve off-page SEO, focus on your target market, and provide them with answers without asking for anything in return. They will gladly enjoy the experience and appreciate your help. It also makes it a lot easier for them to remember you.

Stay active on social media

Take a second and think about the platforms your target audience are using. Then, create accounts for those platforms and contribute. Be ready to post regularly about your product, service, or business, and engage with your customers every time there’s an opportunity.

Although it’s beneficial to be active on a lot of different social media platforms, you want to make sure it’s manageable. You do not want to have a Twitter account that is poorly active and links onto your page because it can hurt your website ranking.

Share industry knowledge

Don’t over think about what to share. Simply join online communities on social media platforms, find your target audience and see what they’re posting about.

Contribute in interesting conversations, add value, and answer their questions. This helps to engage with them in an authentic way and build a relationship. Later down the road, those who you helped will come back looking for more answers.

Share your content

You already create great content (like blogs) for your website, why not share it on social media as well? It’s a great way to get more people to read your content, and share it on their social media.

Contribute on other Blogs

Guest posting is a great way to generate traffic onto your website. But before going around posting anywhere, consider where would you like to appear and think of quality information you can share with people who do not come around your topic. This will help reach people who were not in your circle of interest, and generate traffic to your page.

Read, Comment, and Engage

It’s as easy as it sounds. Read what people are sharing about the industry. If you come across anything you like, then let them know. Comment on people’s social media post, blogs post, or pictures to engage with them. Provide them with great feedback or starting conversations with them is something they’ll appreciate.

Let BSG’s SEO experts help you build your off-page seo presence. Contact us today to learn more.

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