The Complete Guide to Meta Titles

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Today we’re going to talk about creating meta titles that will drive clicks to your website.

Your laptop is on the fritz and you’ve been needing a new one for quite some time, but you’re not sure where to look. What do you search for on Google or Bing? Do you use your laptop for work mainly? Well, then you’d probably search for “best work laptops”.

Searching for the Right Meta Titles

You find a site somewhere down on the first page of your search engine. How did you wind up on that site? What drew you there? It could have been that the title on the search results page was enticing. Maybe they used a clever pun; perhaps they asked a similar question that you were looking for an answer to; was that website highly rated according to themselves?

Let’s take a look at what we find when we enter the above keyword into Google.

meta titles search

Maybe you know what you have in mind already, so you bypass everything and go straight to the Best Buy website. Sure, that’s perfectly fine. But what if you don’t really know what kind of laptops are out there for you? Where are you going to go?

There are two titles that immediately jump out at me are Top 10 best business laptops in 2018: top laptops for work” from Tech Radar. Paste Magazine’s “The 5 Best Business Laptops You can Buy Right Now” looks pretty enticing.

How come? Well, personally, I like a good list. These links indicate that there are going to be lists. Lists are a great way of ranking higher on Google because they tend to answer people’s questions.

How to Write Meta Titles for Your Business

We’re going to switch gears now and talk about writing meta titles that’ll bring in more clicks to your website. Just thinking about how to get your title to stand out from competitors can be nightmare inducing. But that is quite alright, we are going to give you multiple examples of what titles should contain.

First, always take into account what your keyword is going to be. You own a small laptop store in Chicago and want to rank for “laptops Chicago”. Good luck. When you do a quick Google search, there are over 7.5 million search results. You are more than likely not going to be able to rank for that keyword. But that is quite alright. There are other ways to go about this.

Meta Titles for Searchers Intent

All the rage these days in SEO is searchers intent.

If your homepage title is going to be – Laptops Chicago | Your Business Name – you will more than likely going to land somewhere on the fifth or sixth page of the results. That is not going to be good for business.

Dig a little farther into Google’s related searches at the bottom, see what else people are searching. Those extra keywords at the bottom of each page on Google are great to use for your content. Why is that? People are actually searching for that. If those weren’t actual phrases, Google would not be putting them down at the bottom.

Keywords Galore

Look at the screenshot above. If you hit backspace to go back to Google, related keywords will pop up underneath.

You will find keywords everywhere you look. There’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t find a great long-tail keyword for your meta title.

If you have any questions about meta titles or anything SEO related, feel free to call the SEO experts at Blue Sand Group today. Reach us by calling 800-303-8803.

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